Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Cara menggunakan Software SPSS + Contoh

PT. Makmur Sejahtera adalah merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi minuman ringan. PT. Makmur Sejahtera ingin mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi total penjualan produknya pada setiap bulannya. Untuk itu, perusahaan tersebut melakukan penelitian terhadap penjualan produknya. PT. Makmur Sejahtera akan memprediksikan dan  total penjualan minuman ringan untuk biaya bahan baku berikutnya berdasarkan pada data sejarah dan ingin mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan periode.  menggunakan Regression Analysis.

Kemudian gunakan software SPSS untuk mendapatkan prediksi (Y) berdasarkan data tabel diatas.
Di bawah ini langkah-langkah penggunaan software SPSS :


Masukan data-data penjualan (y) dan biaya (x)

Ganti nama dengan (y) dan (x)

Memasukan dependent (y)  ► memasukan independent (x)

Statistik  estimate ► model fit ► descriptives ► colinearity diagnostics ► continue

Plots ► depent masukan ke (y) ► adjpred masukan ke (x) ► continue

Save ► unstandardized ► continue ► ok

Lalu akan muncul

Akan ada tampilan layout SPSS ► lihat coeficient
hasil layout nya :

Y= a + bx  

Masukan dalam rumus berikut :

PT. Makmur Sejahtera akan memprediksikan dan  total penjualan minuman ringan untuk  biaya bahan baku berikutnya
Persamaan garis regresi adalah 
Y  = 351,583 + 20,667 (X) 
Y2 = 351,583 + 20,667 (2) = 392,917
Y2 = 351,583 + 20,667 (2) = 392,917
Y3 = 351,583 + 20,667 (3) = 413,584
Y2 = 351,583 + 20,667 (2) = 392,917
Y3 = 351,583 + 20,667 (3) = 413,584
Y2 = 351,583 + 20,667 (2) = 392,917
Y4 = 351,583 + 20,667 (4) = 434,251
Y5 = 351,583 + 20,667 (5) = 454,918
Y2 = 351,583 + 20,667 (2) = 392,917
Y4 = 351,583 + 20,667 (4) = 434,251
Y4 = 351,583 + 20,667 (4) = 434,251
Y3 = 351,583 + 20,667 (3) = 413,584

Kalo misal nya mau di Kumpul dlm MS Word, di convert aj dengan menu yang ada di spss

klo mau ngumpulin Online ato Klasiber, baiknya di masukin smua file nya (SPSS & word) ke suatu Folder, lalu "Archieve" kn melalui klik kanan di mouse.
Dah, tinggal Send ato uplod aj

Selamat mencoba!

Contoh Peta OPC, Bahan, Bagan, dan Asembling

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Contoh paragraph pattern

Paragraph Patern

Space Order : Specific
                Built in 1947, AK-47 was a offensive killing machine with 30 ammunitions for each rounds.  Can be equipped with Magazen box 30 rounds, Magazen box RPK 40 rounds, Magazen drum RPK 75 rounds. Has 870 mm (34¼ inci) long with 415 mm (16,3 inci) barrel, and can shot 600 bullets/ minute. This weapon can take in any conditions, raining, snowing or mud and still can shot normally.

Time Order : Process
-          Prepare a new lamp
-          Turn off  the electricity from power supply or switch button
-          Change the broken lamp into a new one
-          Switch it on, and your lamp will shining again
These steps will lead you to the simple one. First, You have to choose the topic. Choosing the topic before start writing, will help you develop the material that you want to write. Second, Select the main sentence. It gives the background reasons and will explain the technical terms in body sentences.

Time Order : Chronology
                When the dragon wake up and saw the child, it spitting the spittle of fire. The child success to avoid and hide behind the cave stone. He was very afraid. The dragon looking for the child with destroying every stone or any hide places in the cave. Finally, there are only one stone left that the child hide behind it. The dragon preparing to crash it with his tail. Suddenly……

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